We would like to inform you about why your diamonds may be invalidated in the following FAQs. It is important to us that you are aware that we adhere to our prevailing terms and conditions as well as the supplementary conditions for the diamond program at every step.
Please note that these FAQs only provide a general explanation and that we will only be able to clarify the details of the case with you as the individual concerned.
Do you have any questions regarding this topic? If so, feel free to email us at support@lovoo.com. You will find our supplementary conditions for the diamond program here.
How is it possible for the diamonds I have received to originate from fraudulent activities?
Diamonds are of fraudulent origin if, for example, they have not been paid for in full, or the person sending them has disputed the payment transaction for the credits with the payment providers we offer (PayPal, Google Play, etc.) and asked for a refund. This ultimately means that we were not paid for the credits you have received in the form of virtual gifts and which are worth a certain amount of diamonds.
When we (LOVOO GmbH) offer you the opportunity to monetize your streams with the live video function, we are merely acting as an intermediary. For this reason, we can only credit you the diamonds if the person sending them has actually paid for them in full.
Which diamonds could be affected by this?
These are diamonds that have come into circulation as a result of incomplete credit purchases and conversions into credits.
How do I know if I am affected?
If you are affected, we will of course fulfill our duty to inform you and contact you. This will be done via the email address indicated in your profile. If you think that you might be affected, please verify the email address that is linked to your LOVOO account. If you have any other questions for us, you are welcome to contact us at support@lovoo.com.
Why are diamonds I previously received being removed from my account?
Before your first withdrawal, you agreed to our supplementary terms and conditions for the diamond program. We would like to point out that we reserve the right to invalidate the diamonds credited to your account if the purchase of the credits ultimately did not take place (Section 4a of the supplementary terms and conditions for the diamond program - e.g. in the event of revocation, failure to make payment, chargebacks). In such a case, your diamonds will unfortunately be invalidated and deducted from your diamond balance.