Moderators keep track of all comments for you and remove annoying viewers so that you can fully concentrate on streaming.
Important information for choosing your moderators:
- Choose people with whom you are often in contact and whom you trust.
- Define clear rules for your moderators so that they do not remove the wrong viewers.
- Allow critical questions and comments, your stream will thrive on these.
- Don’t appoint too many moderators, it’s better to choose two or three who you can fully rely on.
- Important: The moderators you appoint will moderate all your streams until you remove their authority to do so. So think carefully about who you give this superpower to.
How to appoint moderators:
- In your stream, click on the name of your chosen assistant.
- Then click on the three dots in the top right corner.
- Select “Add as moderator” and you’re done.
Removing moderators:
If you want to remove moderators from their role, you will find this option here, too. You can recognize appointed moderators by the shield symbol and their red username.