Looking for a good location for a first date? Movie theater, café, or a bar? Sometimes it's not easy to find a suitable location nearby.
With the Date Map, we guide you to your offline meeting and make it easier for you to plan your dates!
This is how the Date Map works:
Click on the Near you tab and search for suitable dating spots near you.
Click on a dating spot to get more detailed information about it. You can also read reviews and view offers, opening hours and how to contact the location.
Have you decided on a spot for your first date and already know which match you want to meet there? If so, you can share the location with a match and arrange a date in real life.
In the chat area, you can keep track of whether you have shared dating spots with matches or whether places have already been shared with you. In addition, dating tips, special deals and much more await to make your dates even more exciting.
Let the Date Map be your personal guide for meetings with matches!