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  • Invalid diamonds

    We would like to inform you about why your diamonds may be invalidated in the following FAQs. It is important to us that you are aware that we adhere to our prevailing terms and conditions as well as the supplementary conditions for the diamond program at every step.

    Please note that these FAQs only provide a general explanation and that we will only be able to clarify the details of the case with you as the individual concerned.

    Do you have any questions regarding this topic? If so, feel free to email us at You will find our supplementary conditions for the diamond program here.


    How is it possible for the diamonds I have received to originate from fraudulent activities?

    Diamonds are of fraudulent origin if, for example, they have not been paid for in full, or the person sending them has disputed the payment transaction for the credits with the payment providers we offer (PayPal, Google Play, etc.) and asked for a refund. This ultimately means that we were not paid for the credits you have received in the form of virtual gifts and which are worth a certain amount of diamonds.

    When we (LOVOO GmbH) offer you the opportunity to monetize your streams with the live video function, we are merely acting as an intermediary. For this reason, we can only credit you the diamonds if the person sending them has actually paid for them in full.


    Which diamonds could be affected by this?

    These are diamonds that have come into circulation as a result of incomplete credit purchases and conversions into credits.


    How do I know if I am affected?

    If you are affected, we will of course fulfill our duty to inform you and contact you. This will be done via the email address indicated in your profile. If you think that you might be affected, please verify the email address that is linked to your LOVOO account. If you have any other questions for us, you are welcome to contact us at


    Why are diamonds I previously received being removed from my account?

    Before your first withdrawal, you agreed to our supplementary terms and conditions for the diamond program. We would like to point out that we reserve the right to invalidate the diamonds credited to your account if the purchase of the credits ultimately did not take place (Section 4a of the supplementary terms and conditions for the diamond program - e.g. in the event of revocation, failure to make payment, chargebacks). In such a case, your diamonds will unfortunately be invalidated and deducted from your diamond balance.

  • What is Live?

    Press the record button and you’ll be speaking to hundreds of people before you know it. Or get cosy on the couch and watch streams from all over the world. Entertainment in real time – whenever you like. On LOVOO Live you can meet people – care-free and simply. Whether in the live chat, side-stream or in features such as Battle or Next|Date, the options are endless.

    Our motivated streamers are also always coming up with shows based on various topics. And our contests also guarantee pure entertainment.

    Some background information
    Integrating the Live video option into a dating app is an innovation based on the needs of our users. With Live you can get a better picture of your flirting partner. Live videos / Live streams say more than a thousand words – or rather chats or profile pictures in our case. Tune in to the stream of your match and find out how the person speaks, moves, and what their voice sounds like.

    Try it out! Only physical touch would be even better. ;)

  • Where can I find live streams?

    Open the LOVOO app and click on “Live” in the bottom menu bar. Here you will find a bar at the top with the sections Trending, Nearby, Date, New, Favourites and Wall of Fame. You can now choose your streams from these different categories.

    Trending lists the most popular live streams.

    If you want to see what is going on in your neighbourhood or if your neighbours are among the streamers, take a look here.

    Want to go on a date? You can with our feature Next|Date. As with speed dating, two people chat to one other and after two minutes a decision is made whether to go on a date (i.e. a private video date) or the next date/next side-stream.

    The special part: You can watch or date live yourself.

    You can find new streamers on Live here.

    You can find your favourite streamers in the Favourites tab. The red star next to the profile name indicates that you have marked the person as a favourite.

    Wall of Fame
    Check out our high achievers. You can see the most popular streamers and the most successful diamond collectors on the Wall of Fame.

    Here you can check out the different statistics. You can choose between “Most diamonds” and “Most popular” below the menu bar.

    Then you can select the time span for the statistic.

    For example: Wondering who the most popular streamers are?

    Currently live
    Here you can see a list of streamers with the most favourites who are currently live.

    See who has collected the most favourites today/so far.

    This week
    The most popular streamers of the week can be found here.

    The pop stars of LOVOO Live, the most popular streaming talents, can be found in the Summary tab.

    The same goes for the most collected diamonds.

  • New streamer information

    What are newcomers of the week?
    Each week a streamer who is not yet among the top streamers is rewarded with a tapestry from the LOVOO team for special achievements. For example, we look at the number of slides, fans or special contributions to the community. It is always counted from Monday to Sunday.

    Important: The number of diamonds is not a guarantee, but rather one of many parameters. The Talent team alone makes the final selection of the newcomer.

    What are rockets of the week?
    Just like the newcomers of the week, rockets of the week will be honoured with a tapestry for special achievements. However, this involves top streamers. The principle is the same.

    The referral program: “Streamers recruit streamers”
    As a top streamer, you have the opportunity to support the Talent team and suggest new streamers on LOVOO. (Having an account with fewer than 3,000 diamonds is important for being added). Once the new people receive their first payout, you will get 50,000 diamonds as a thank you.

  • What rules apply to live streams?

    LOVOO is the perfect app for everyone who likes meeting people.

    With a few simple rules, we want to make it possible for you to freely and creatively express your personality and create a safe and respectful atmosphere. This goes for all our features, including LOVOO Live.

    The most important thing first: A good live stream is one where you can actually see the streamers. Your face must be clearly visible. Streaming with a mask, a black screen, or showing the ceiling is not desirable or permitted.

    This does not belong on LOVOO or in your streams:

    • Pornographic content and violence

    Videos that hint at or show nudity, sexual and/or pornographic acts as well as violence are not permitted in LOVOO Live. This also applies to poses/acts in lingerie, as well as streaming in the shower or bathtub (even if you do not appear naked).

    • Nudity or sexual references involving minors

    Videos that feature nudity or sexual acts with minors are prohibited on LOVOO.

    • Violation of privacy

    Do not show other people in your video without their permission. Please make sure that you do not violating the spatial privacy of others.

    • Threats

    Intimidation and blackmail have no place on LOVOO and will be punished appropriately.

    • Harassment, bullying, and spam

    Do not do anything to intentionally hurt or harass others. If someone is not interested, we ask that you respect this. Misusing a LOVOO profile for commercial purposes, i.e. drawing attention to other websites or services, is also not permitted.

    • Fakes

    We want our app to be as transparent as possible. This is why you need a profile in which you are clearly visible on LOVOO. Please do not upload images of other people, celebrities or organizations as a profile picture.

    • Vulgar choice of words

    We do not tolerate words that go below the belt, insulting swear words and racist expressions. It is important to us that the app is used respectfully.

    • Safety first

    Streaming while you are driving a vehicle or operating devices or machinery endangers you and others and is thus prohibited.

    • Alcohol and drugs

    The consumption of drugs is strictly prohibited! In other words, boozing and drinking games have no place in the stream!

    • Contests and competitions

    You must be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident in the European Union to take part in our competitions and contests. You may not give gifts to yourself or through other accounts directly or indirectly controlled by you. We can request that potential winners prove their eligibility to participate within seven days of our request. If you are not eligible or cannot provide the requested information or if the content of your streams does not comply with our Terms of Use, we reserve the right to exclude you from the contest.

    Important: Anyone who does not follow our rules will be blocked. Illicit content will be deleted and/or the account will be deleted. Depending on the gravity of the violation, the blocking can be temporary or final. We reserve the right to respond to legal violations individually and at our discretion. You are LOVOO if you take these rules seriously.

    If you observe the violation of these rules by another person, please report the profile to us immediately. If you feel harassed by a LOVOO user, you can report this to us at any time and block the person. We will take care of the rest.

    PS: You can read the long version of our Guidelines at any time here.